Common Questions

Can I get a Page One ranking guarantee?
If you’re solely focused on finding your website on the first page of Google results — and not worried about social activity, press relations, local mar...
Mon, 1 Dec, 2014 at 2:51 PM
How many links will I get every month?
A company that promises to deliver a certain number of links every month is not focused on quality or relevance. Also, link quantity is not the silve...
Mon, 1 Dec, 2014 at 2:51 PM
What happens if Google changes its algorithm?
Google’s algorithm is always changing, and it’s our job to change with it. By constantly monitoring updates and discussions about the way search engines...
Mon, 1 Dec, 2014 at 2:51 PM
Can you repair a domain that has been penalized?
If the domain name that you are bringing to us has had a penalty from Google, we can assess the damages and recommend a good path forward. Sometimes, a ...
Mon, 1 Dec, 2014 at 2:52 PM
Will my law firm get ranking reports?
Our team has (what some may consider) an unhealthy obsession with statistics. Ranking reports, traffic reports, impressions, readers, followers, user be...
Mon, 1 Dec, 2014 at 2:52 PM